Dr Mashadi Motlana, Director
MBBCh(Wits), Mmed (Psych) UP
FC (Pysch) SA
Dr Motlana is a specialist psychiatrist and businesswomen who combines her unique skill set as a clinician and her entrepreneurial interests to innovate and impact on the health of the South African population particularly in the corporate sector.
Dr Motlana’s holding company Moshading Capital has interests in various sectors- including Mind Body and Soul Consultancy providing corporate health and lifestyle solutions and Source to Site a procurement company. She is a non-executive director of Clinix Health Group.
Dr. Motlana was the Clinical Head and executive manager for clinical services at Tara Hospital. She was responsible for managing the clinical and allied staff, containing the costs of providing quality specialised health care with limited resources. In addition she worked as the consultant psychiatrist at the Eating Disorders Unit and developed expertise in this field and an interest in nutrition and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Kate Saxton, Director
MSC Counselling Psychology
(London Guildhall University)
Kate Saxton is a Counselling Psychologist, and an Executive and Developmental Coach qualified in South Africa and the United Kingdom. Since 2001, Kate has worked in the arena of Wellness and employee risk, working for a well-known employee wellbeing company in a variety of positions.
Her vast 13 years’ experience allowed development in diverse areas of clinical care, including executive coaching, psychotherapeutic counselling and organisational consulting. This expertise has allowed her to engage diverse clientele profiles, from top executives and corporate entities as well as blue collar workers, managers and HR specialists, across all industries.
Kate maintains a thriving private practice with a broad scope of clients. She adopts an eclectically and integrative model, drawing on a range of therapeutic techniques and disciplines according to the needs of the client. Her clinical expertise in psychotherapy and executive coaching empowers clients to make conscious choices based on their true selves, and taking the appropriate action to realise their goals.

Dr Tshidi Gule, Director
Dr Tshidi Gule is dynamic medical doctor, an established employee health and wellness strategist and the founder of the Medispace Wellness Institute. Medispace is a boutique health and lifestyle establishment that provides 360 degree health solutions to various market segments (corporate professionals, schools, corporate organisations and health practitioner networks).
Following her graduation at the University of Witwatersrand in 2006, Dr Tshidi Gule pursued the controversial path of lifestyle-related diseases, studying their impact on society, the economy and healthcare. Her work and diligent research into behavioural models has served as a crucial asset to many stakeholders seeking to successfully address and manage the multi-faceted challenges of employee wellness and subsequently offer models that reduce the burden of lifestyle-related chronic illnesses and promote a proactive wellness culture, in the workplace and at home.